Wednesday, August 22, 2012

confused mind

u know, i used to like being a leader, organizing things etc.. but the older i get, the more i hate.. especially organizing gatherings for my high school mates. it's not tat we are not close enough, but maybe just maybe distance n time changes people. i mean, yeah, i know everyone's very busy with stuff n i'm extremely free rotting away at home but i really do feel disappointed when not much cared to give me some feed back on the event page. if u can't go, just say u can't go.. at least give me some response so i can see whether i should change date or watsoever.. u know, it's the big group that is troublesome. i don't like it tat i may have the tendency to hurt someone's feeling by not inviting someone or just choosing a date i like tat everyone have to follow so i ask for opinions but no one bothered to give response. i don't know wat to do to gain a win win situation. screw u guys! humph..