Monday, December 22, 2014


Few dramatic happening lately. Why oh why cant i be left out from the drama??

I am disappointed,
again and again,
by the same group of people.
but then,
again and again,
I went back to them,
like a fool.

For four years,
I tried hard to fit in.
But I guess at the end of the day,
what's not yours will never be yours.

And as I calm my crying self,
I reminded myself that they were sent into my life,
to teach me a life lesson.

Yes, you may help others,
but they have no responsibility to help you.
You are willing and have done much more for them,
but sometimes they cant and wont even do a simple thing for you.

It's a reminder for the future
that the workplace will have a lot more people like them or worst.

But today, let me cry all I want for having my heart broken.