Thursday, January 29, 2009

CNY 09

hey hey hey.. gong xi fa cai...

as usual every year, first day 7 am wake up..
then, zham cha.. then go to church..
later, we pay our respect to my late great-grandma..
after tat, lunch at my hse..
mum cook 'tong shui' n grandma cook 'zai cai'..
then ang pow time.. (wakakaka)
then, my uncles (yes, plural) n i played chor dai dee..
this year i won RM33.50.. haha..
then, grandpa make me play piano..
(luckily i practiced last night..)
of course 'tong hua' was my choice..
(although it sounded boring.. my fault..)
then after bath, we went to Batu Pahat..
my dad's kai ma hse..
this year got a cute baby there man..
her name is joanna.. 8 months old..
then we went to my dad's aunt hse..
we reach mlk at 11-something??
freaking tired..

day 2, woke up late..
went to my mum's fren hse..
then to my bro's nanny's hse..
then to my uncle's hse..
denise gan was as cute..
went home n watch tv..
at 7pm, we went to grandpa's hse as it was his bday..
(not really la... coz he doesn't know the actually day, so he tetap on that day lo..)

day 3, woke up at 9.45am..
then hang around n practiced piano while waiting for wei yin..
then after changing, we had porridge..
while on the way to sam's hse, justin called n say that we're the last.
tipu la.. coz abby msg me tat she'll be late, so we're definately not the last..
after tat we went to lim's hse.. justin's motor skill is.. haiz..
he nearly bang the door while reversing.. n the door is in front of him..
haiz.. (ha..)
then we went to tee's hse, justin's hse, zhenson's hse, yelena n bai chuan's hse.
at justin hse, we had pizza.. (uncle's treat). zhen son's hse memang cooling..
at yelena's hse, we chit chatted a lot.. then at bai chuan's hse, uncle kept calling me stupid..
kesiannyaku.. then we went home..

day 4, woke up at 9.30am..
mum made me mop the floor.. T.T
then yelena came...
while we'r at my room, justin came..
then we play chor dai dee again..
then sam came.. kesian.. kena jalan..
then while waiting for sy yeo, xiong called me n ask if i'm at home..
i thought only a few coming, sekali, berlambak!!!
then, miss yeo called n apologize for she just woke up..
then we had lunch..
we also played mah jong..
then my uncle came to our hse..
later, we decide to go to MBO to watch movie..
so justin called his sis to fetch us..
mana tau tat maths genius counted wrongly n his sis fetch her fren..
oh my goodness.. seven ppl in one kelisa..
luckily we din meet the police..
then we changed our mind n decided to go to sy new hse..
her hse memang beautiful man..
then we went back to MBO..
just sit at sam's stall n chit chat..
we saw a lot of frens there..
we even saw engy tan..
then at 7pm, we went home...

to be continued.. (my bro la..)

1 comment:

justin said...

walao... just a small mistake only mah... no need to mention it again and again... esp d motor skill...