Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Life in KMM (Kolej Matrikulasi Melaka)

It’s been two months since I came in to matrix.

I am in blok A2.2.3 with room mates : Sakinah and Fazliyana @ Yana from KL and Rodsiah from Klang. They are very friendly n cheerful and we get along quite well.. We sometimes chit chat till late nite and crap a lot of jokes.. I n Kinah really enjoy teasing Yana with her big teddy bear.. haha..

Yana with her teddy bear while doing homework..

My orientation week here was hell.. We got ceramah everyday and we dun have enough time to eat n bathe. I was already planning to leave here for form 6. I was crying and wanting to leave here asap. But I decided to give it a try after class starts as I can’t determine whether this college is good or bad.. And It turned out to be quite fun.

I was put in Sains Hayat 3 Praticum 6 Tutorial 6. There’s 4 chinese in my class including me. Chee Kian from Klang, Wan Ting from Penang and Teik Siang from Kedah. I am always waiting to copy other ppl’s homework especially Wan Ting’s. The weird part is I wonder how come as much of a bully I am, I was bullied by Wan Ting here.. Unbelieavble rite.. ha.. Maybe becoz she’s cute.. lol.. Chee Kian was a bit quiet coz he doesn’t speak much chinese like the rest of us but he is also funny enough to make us laugh. I, for one especially like to kacau him n make him speak hokkien. (though my hokkien s***..) He’s from an all boy’s skul so he’s actually not used to gals.. As for Teik Siang, he is one of a kind guy who crap a lot.. but underneath that crap, is a guy who is quite decent though. However Chee Kian is leaving us becoz he got jpa to india.. Teik Siang is so gonna be lonely without his ‘gay’fren around.. and the good news is I’m not the only one talking bout Teik Siang and Wan Ting. Ha.. even Chee Kian is doing the same.. ^.^ haha.. >.<

from left to right: chee kian, me, wan ting, teik siang

From left to right: Ts, Wt, me Ck

I’ve met a lot of ppl here and made a lot of frens. But the gang which I and sush are closest to is the quad from kelantan, namely Maxine, Zi Min, Chia Chen @ Roti and Yee Kei @ Ekei. Maxine, Min n Ekei are in the same lecture classs with me. Although not all of us are in the same class together, the six of us ( including sush ) always meet for dinner at kafe b at seven pm sharp..( well, kinda sharp.. ha.. ><) We sometimes go cycling or jogging together before dinner.. Dinner was always lively and cheerful with all of us eating together n crapping.. oh ya, forgot to mention we got a `sister’ that is Jun Hui from batu pahat. He is a camwhore freak and is ALWAYS admiring himself.. haha.. ><>

From left to right: Zi min, Ekei, Roti, Max n me rooting for sush during her public speaking comp.

From left to right: Max, roti, me, sush, min n ekei on our last lunch together in Kafeteria B before min n roti leave.

Class here was boring to me especially Lecture classes where by I would struggle hard, VERY hard not to fall asleep. But Tutorial class and Pratical class were much more livelier or rather becoz the class is small and I can’t sleep.. All of my teachers were quite okay lar.. Though Mr Pang, our Chemistry Pratical teacher is the BEST. Ha.. >.<

1 comment:

Min said...


I'm your senior
KMM 08/09

How's life there?